Ivory and a Friend

Kathryn View All →

Hello all!

My name is Kathryn. I live in suburban Cleveland. I have 2 cats, who are my kids. I work in early childhood education, specializing in infants at a local childcare center. I’ve also worked with preschoolers and school aged kids there. I used to be an ESL teacher in South Korea.

I love to bake. My coworkers get to be my taste testers. I enjoy coloring, and I even participate in a coloring Meet Up group. I’m a fan of all kinds of music, but country is my favorite. I started taking a tap class at a local dance studio. Ginger Rogers, I’m not. But I’m holding my own after *mumble years* away from it.

My kitties, Gidgette and Ivory, are my favorite models for my photography. I play around with photo editors to create what I call “Works of Art”. I’m not very good at it, but I do it anyway.

Please visit me at Mighty Kool Kat. You can find my links to social media there.

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